January 17, 2008


Hi kids,I'm not a real stickler for jotting down all my training for the world to see as some of it is secret, most of it is boring.I'll update you all every couple of weeks on that side of things.What I would like to do is post some reports on some of the Ultra's and some special Irons that I have done over the last 22 years of my triathlon life.There are a bunch of newbie tri-geeks reading this blog and I'd just like to show then how we did it in the "good-old-days" before everyone got caught up on all the techno-geek gadjets and made our sport too serious.Hopefully you will see that you can achieve quite a lot on just plain old raw enthusiasm with a little bit of courage thrown in the mix.Here goes.
Ultraman 1994 was the first time I had ever done anything longer than an Ironman race.I had completed two Ironman Canada(1991+'93) races and had done the TripleM Iron Tri in Sydney 1992 with pretty good results finishing in 11:40ish in my first Ironman in Canada 1991.I was living in Penticton ,B.C at the time and was preparing for Ironman Canada 1994 at the end of August.My mate Mori,my girlfriend Leisa and I were preparing to crew for the second running of Ultraman Canada at the end of July as we had done the previous year for two time IMC winner Tom Price.Tom had won Ultraman in 93 with the three of us as his crew and Mori had used his comsumate sales skills in obtaining (scamming)a full sponsorship for Tom in the 1994 event.
We were all set to go crewing when, late on the Thursday night before the Saturday race start,Leisa and I staggered home after another awesome Margarita Thursday at Cheers(now Anthony's)our local Pub.I saw that there was a message on our machine and hit the button only to hear Moris' voice on the tape telling us that due to the huge fires that were surrounding Penticton Tom would not be able to race Ultraman and was pulling out of the event.I called Mori straight away and was told that Tom was worried that the smoke in the air would affect his asthma and he didn't want to risk it.Total bummer for us!!Then Mori pointed out that we already had the sponsorship,the van,and all the gear ready to go so maybe I could step in.WE could even get my Aussie mate Lloyd who was here for Ironman to join in as crew."No worries mate" I said in my most confident drunken Aussie accent."I'll do it!!"Stupid drunken fool,thirty hours before the start of Ultraman Canada 1994 I was a late entrant!!!!!!!
I rolled up to the race start at the Peach on Okanagan Lake to hear the race briefing.We had to change our race venue due to the fact that Skaha Lake was being used by the Mars water bombers fighting the fires in the district.Instead of swimming the 12k(11.8really)length of Skaha Lake we would swim six loops of the white marker bouys from the Peach to the Sicamous.We figured it would be close enough to 12 k's.All my mates thought it was just too funny that I would enter the race at the drop of the hat but I was Ironman fit and I figured that I had nothing to lose.I would just try to fill Tom's shoes as best I could and finish reasonably well.
The gun went off and I hit the lead from the start.I like swimming and was enjoying being in the water with my fellow Ultradudes.I had no idea of the time at all and could not really hear what my crew was saying to me at the end of each loop when I treaded water at the feed boat to eat something.Apparrently I was doing pretty well and after,what felt like a short 2hr 42min I exited the water in first place with a new swim record and 23min in front of my next competitor,one of the pre race favourites Berend Henckel.I couldn't believe it!!I was leading Ultraman,OH MY GOD!!!!!
After everyone got out of the water our crew decided to hang out with fellow Ultradude Ean Jackson who was an Ultra veteran and member of the Canadian national 100k running team.My mate Dave Bullock,whose' house we were living in was crewing for Ean and we all went off to the Front St Pasta Factory for dinner.I sat opposite Ean and it didn't take much prompting for me to get stuck into the beers and even a couple of shooters to celebrate my first stage win.Ean's wife began to worry about me as I had never done a multi-stage race before.She figured it wasn't in my best interest to get hammered when we had 200miles to ride the next day.Ean just bought me another beer and I had a ball hanging out with this Ultra-veteran.
The next day we all lined up for the 200miler and headed off at a stupid pace.I joked to a mate of mine(Lee Crockett-Fibonaccis owner for those who have been to Penticton)that I would take off quickly just to wind everyone up.Instead I was dropped like a bad habit.They went absolutely crazy on the bike from Skaha Beach down to Osoyoos.Apparently the first group got down there at an average of 39kph for the first 40k's.Stupid move lads!!!I rolled down there at a quieter pace and made the turn back to Okanagan Falls.Slowly but surely I started passing people and as I neared Oliver for the second time Lee drove by and gave me some smart remark as is his way.I asked him to flash his emergency lights if the guy I could see way in the distance was Berend.I could spot his orange Banesto shirt and was sure I was not meant to be so close to him at this stage of the ride.Lee's lights flashed!I slowly pulled up to him and he told me that his crew had stopped in O.K Falls for breakfast which meant that he had not recieved any nutrition for the first 80k of the ride.His day was done and he wished me well. I was sad to see him so upset as he is a great guy and is a friend to this day.It is so important in this type of racing that you ave organised and attentive crews to help you out.One false move like Berends crew made and your weekend can be ruined.My crew had the experience of helping Tom Price to victory the year before but I have to tell you that they were a gong show waiting to happen.Mori and Lloyd argued like an old married couple for the whole weekend.They are mates but putting them in the front seat of a vehicle for a couple of days was interesting to say the least.It's just as well that I knew the course 'cause asking those two for details on the bike a run course was useless.They did keep me fed and watered though which was the most important thing.
I rode on to O.K Falls and then to Green Lake Rd and the infamous Wall,a two k climb that on it's own isn't much but at 100k in to a ride with 220k to go it 'aint fun.I was very surprise to find at the top of the Wall I had caught up with the other race favourite Jim Brazil(Double Iron finisher and Male Model)and the legend himself, Steve-the voice of Ironman-King.I remember asking them if I could please take the lead for a minute just so I could tell everyone that I actually lead day two for a little while.They both laughed and my wish was granted.What I didn't plan on was that I contunued to pull away from them both as we rode the hills through White Lake and on to Twin Lakes.On the descent to Keremeous Jim caught me and we played cat and mouse for the next few hours all the way from the Bears Fruit Stand 80-odd k's to Princeton.
I nearly lost a crewmember in Keremeous when Mori and Lloyd decided to make a pit-stop at a fruit stand as we made the Keremeous turn.My girlfiend Leisa had worked until 5am that morning and was catching up on some sleep in the back of the car.For the first 150k she was happily snozing when, at the Bears fruit stand she woke up and had to go to the toilet.The boys were inside the Fruit stand buying food and when they had got their suplies they hopped back in the car and sped off after me.They were amazed that Leisa could sleep for so long and not far up the road they looked around to find the back seat empty.The fools had left her behind in Keremeous.Idiots!!!!They quickly turned around and sped back to pick her up.Thankfully I knew nothing of this until the end of the day but it does explain all the laughter coming from the vehicle for the last half of the ride.
It was at Princeton that I decided to make my move.On the long steep climb out of town on highway 5a towards Merritt I pushed hard and made my gap.Harder and harder I pushed on the 60k of climbing to the turn at Aspen Grove and much to everyones surprise I was well in front.The descent was hell as with every pedal stroke my feet hurt more and more.I coasted as often as I could but it made no difference so,with ten k's to go I pushed as hard as I could and crossed the finish line in first place in a time of 10hrs 33mins for the 320k(200miles).I had not only finished first but had taken 27 minutes of Tom Prices' record from the previous year.I couldn't be happier.If I could have danced I would have but the balls of my feet were so swollen that I couldn't even stand up.I figured my weekend was over and it was going to be a very sore and sorry double marathon the next day.Who cared though I had won two stages,set two records and was leading Ultraman Canada by 54 minutes over Jimmy Brazil.TOTALY AWESOME!!!!!!

After watching a few finishers we decided to head off to our motel to get ready for the dinner that was to be hosted in our honour by the Mayor of Princeton at the Bromley Station Pub that night.We did however get a little lost and ended up in the Princton Pub downing pitchers of beer to celebrate yet another great day on the road.The problem was we celebrated a little too hard and Mori,Leisa and myself got absolutely shitfaced and by the time we made out way to Bromley Station we had missed dinner,the speeches and all the other competitors and their crews.I will never forget the exchange we had when we walked into the bar only to bump into the Mayor and his mates.My mate Lloyd was sober and looked really fit from his IMC training.The three of us just looked plastered.We apologised for being late and the Mayor asked Lloyd how his race was going.He replied that he wasn't racing and pointed to myself swaying in my drunken stupor.The Mayors mate joked in a smartass way "So do you think you are going to win this thing?moking me with his tone.I simply replied "Maybe,I'm 54 mins in front right now, so who knows?".He couldn't believe that the drunken fool stumbling before him was in the lead of Canadas' longest stage race triathlon.All we wanted was something to eat and the pub owner gave us the run of the kitchen to make whatever we wanted.It was such a hoot!The next morning though was a different matter.

My hangover didn't last too long and really wasn't too bad.I guess all the beer I had drunk was just absorbed as nutrition lost on the 200 miler the day before.At the start line all eyes were on Steve King and Ean Jackson to win the day.They were both great Ultra runners and both had been on the nation 100k running team at the World 100k champs.I just wanted to try and defend my 54mins over Jim as well as hold off Ean and Steves 90min or so defecit.I told him at the start that I was going to run with him all day.He asked why and I simply replied "Well mate to get on the podium you will have to beat Steve and Ean and stay close to me.If I run with you,then you will end up pacing me to first place".Seemed like a simple plan to me and he realised that I was right.The gun went off and after about five minutes we never saw Steve and Ean again.Jimand I ran together for about 60k before we hit the huge hills at Trout Creek and his achilles tendon gave out.It was a bummer to leave him there so close to town when he had helped me so much but for the first time I was beginning to think I could actually win the whole thing.I ran and ran as best I could up and over the huge range that leads you to Faulder behind Summerland and continued to hurt all the way into the outskirts of Summerland.I needed to know how far in front the boys were but it was not until,with about five k's to go that Gerry Feenstra drove out and told me Steve had won by five mintue over Ean and that, even though they had taked an hour out of my overall lead,I was so close I couldn't lose that I started to walk.I needed to walk as I hurt so much.I made It to the finish line in 8:50ish and in third place with an overall time that put in first overall by 37 minutes.I had done it!I had won Ultraman Canada!I couldn't belive it then and I still can't to this day understand how it was possible.Even though I have won this race twice it was that first time that stands out as a defining moment in my life and is a shining example of just what an average Joe can achieve if he just has a little faith in himself and a little courage to face the unknown.

January 14, 2008


So it's all go for the 2008 season and I hit the road with all the enthusiasm that I could muster.It took me a couple of days to recover from my New Years Eve celebrations and so the 3rd of Jan was day one of my training.I took my MTB for an uphill ride in the hills behind Cairns.The out and back distance is 50-odd k's and there are some awesome views of Cairns and the Coral Sea as you climb toward the top before dropping down the other side of the mountain and on to Copperload Dam which serves as Cairns water supply.The road goes through some really thick rainforest and at this time of the year the heat is oppressive.I suffered a lot but was enjoying being on the bike again after such a long time being a lazy bastard.The uphill portion is about 16k but it felt like 100 as my zero fitness soon became apparent but if I an anything at all it is patient so I just spin my way to a slow ascent knowing that I would be treated to some great veiws and an awesome downhill coast back to town.
After getting home I (stupidly) decided to go for a run to test the old bike to run fitness.I parked my bike at home,slipped on the shoes and headed off down the Cairns Esplanade full of praise for myself for actually trying to run.My pride didn't last long as I could only manage one lap of the five kilometer cycle path that takes me downtown every day.With the humidity topping 90% I really began to suffer and limped home after a not so stellar 30min 5k.Lord I have a long way to go!!
The next few days I approached my training differently and just went out riding to various locations around the district(averaging 50k) during the morning followed by a short 2.5k swim session at my local pool.These swim sessions are all about getting used to being in the pool again and I spend a lot of time doing drills with my pull bouy,kick-board and fins.As has been the rule for all my swim training in the past I rarely ever stop between sets and use the kickboard and fins as active recovery instead of standing at the end of the pool chatting.I really love swimming and in the next few weeks will end up cranking out out about 25-30k a week.I'm going to spare you all the details of precisely what goes on at every session until probrably the end of Feb but if anyone wants to know what I'm up to just post a comment or email me and I'll let you in on my unconventional (read-old school)way of training.
My running is usually just a slowish trot around two laps of the flat 5kEsplanade loop followed by about half an hour of drills to get my legs used to a little bit of hard work.It is so hot here that I will soon restrict my running to late in the evening after I finish work.By the end of January I will beging to add some hills and we have an awesome trail here next to the botanical gardens where you can run heaps of stairs and rugged trails in some really dense rainforest.It's super humid in there but at least it's out of the sun.
For those of you who are into stats,the only ones I will be keeping are distance totals and some timing PR's.I'm not training with any powermeters or heart rate gear as one of the purposes of this whole year is to show that you don't need all that stuff to get fit and fast.I have no doubt that high end age-groupers and elite athletes will find the gadgets invaluable but the fact is ,in my opinion,beginners and slow to average ager's can do quite well without them.I have, in the last two weeks put in 8 rides,six runs and six swim sessions to help get my body used to the notion of training again.I'm sore and tired and I feel pretty pathetic but I made my own bed and instead of lying in it I'm going to get out and reverse the damage I have done.
Over the last three months I have managed to gain a staggering 25 pounds and that has translated to 5 extra inches around my belly as well as 2 inches growth around each thigh.At 5'7" that much weight means a lot and it is hard for me to go out and train in public as I feel like such a fat bugger.Stupid I know but we all have our vanity.There are bike clothes which I wore last season in Canada that I just can't get into right now.The up side is that I will be able to show you all that it is possible to lose weight and get in shape in half a year if you are willing to put the work in.There are no easy options in our sport.You can't buy speed!You can't buy fitness!You can't buy experience!All that is learnt and earnt out there on the roads, trails and in the pool and the gym.There is no substitute for plain hard work,dedication and sacrifice.Let's just hope I still have it in me!


Hi all just before I post my first couple of weeks training I just wanted to let you all know that the good folks from the Rockman Tri (just outside Chicago) have invited me to race thier half iron in June.I figure that this race will give the Athletes in Kind ride across Canada a big kick start so I wll be there to race on June 8th.It does add a few hundred miles to my trip and my 2008 adventure will begin at Rockman before riding to Quebec for the World Double Iron four weeks later.Apart from a dose fo the flu all is going well in the first two weeks of my 2008 training.It was a shock to get out and ride so slowly and particularly to struggle up some hills that I normally find easy but I'm sure it will all come together.I have been asked to post a pic of my fat body in "before" mode for you all to laugh at and I will get around to that.It should be quite interesting to see how long it takes to get rid of the five extra inches I have accumulated around my waist since October.So far it's all pretty much go slowly and try not to get injured.Stay tuned.