Okay so this isn't really the kind of post that I wanted to be writing but I promised to chronicle my year so here goes.Over the past two weeks I have done almost no training at all.My injured neck and back are causing me grief again and I have also managed to get myself a bit of a cough and amazingly sore lungs from all the hacking I have been doing during my sleepless nights.I also found out that I have hit 80 kilos(176lbs) for the first time ever and I am not a happy camper.To put that into perspective,last summer in Penticton I weighed in at around 68 kilos(150lbs) and was able to go for a run without my thighs rubbing together.Not so now!
The bouts of depression that have haunted me over the last eight years or so also returned leaving me without any real desire to anything except turn up for work on time.It is really hard to explain just what it is like when the black demons of depression strike but finding a reason to do anything is really hard.Mostly I just hide away in my little flat and sleep.ALL DAY!
I'm hoping that it will pass soon and I even went for a run yesterday which I liked so it's a start.We shall see.I have started to make arrangements for my trip though and am looking forward to the challenge so much it makes being here in Cairns unbearable.I will soldier on and try to get my shit together and my mind sorted out in Feb.

Sounds like you're trying to do too much too soon mate! I too am currently 20 lbs heavier than I was at UMC. The temperature here is -13C (wind chill -23C). Can't run, can't ride. Hurt my shoulder so swimming has been out. Haven't seen the sun in 2 months.
Just work on one thing at a time and have fun with it! If it's not fun, it's not worth doing. As soon as it becomes a job, you'll hate doing it. Working out is supposed to make you feel better, not worse.
Remember -- there are no finish lines during the week and there are no medals. You have plenty of time to get ready. Trust your body, it will respond!
You've got a great support system, we'll talk you off the edge!
Hey Nicky,
Happens to the best of us! Remember back in 1990 when you went into the Mexican restaurant called Pecado's at Front Street Bay? Remember meeting the owner, you know, the fat, drunk out of control guy that thought everything was running pretty smooth as his life was crumbling right before your very eyes? Do you remember what you told him? You told him that nothing in life was that big of a deal and that you need to accomplish things for yourself, not for others. You went on to tell him that even Ironman Canada was not a big deal and that anyone with the self commitment to accomplish such a feat would be able to, even you.
That was 18 years ago and those last two words "even you" have stayed with me since that moment and have been there for all 3 IMC finish lines I have crossed. Do you think that if I would have never met you that I would have those medals today?
Here is what you should do, get a piece of paper, make two columns, on the top of the first one write "people I have helped in some way through life" and on top of the other one write "People I could have helped but didn't have the time". Get my point?
Whatever it is your holding onto, let go, your good.
Of course, it doesn't sound like you took my advice from the last post so I will assume your sleeping all day by yourself? We can all get laid Nick "EVEN YOU"
Love you pal,
Hang in there. Work through the injury. We endurance athletes are best at dealing with unexpected during the events. Sometimes, life is just one big endurance event. it's not about the finish. It's about the journey. It's about how you deal with things life get thrown at you. Stride for the balance. Try new things.
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