Hi folks,just in case you were all wondering,I am in fact still alive.I've just been out training too much to spend time typing stuff.I don't have computer at home so it's a bit of an effort to go the one mile downtown to my internet cafe(I'm so lazy).Today though is Ironman Oz day and while I'm here checking the Ironman live coverage I thought I'd fill you all in on the latest news in my sad life.
March was a weird month for me as on the good side I have been out and about on my bike and have even started running and swimming.It has been great to get out and ride now that the weather is getting cooler and the rain has slowed.I even joined the gym which by the way,has way too many mirrors to remind me how fat I have become.All my running speedwork will be done on the treadmill as I've left it too late to get my legs used to the pounding of the road.My easy runs will still be done on the road but that doesn't hurt as much.Hopefully the fact that the run course in Quebec for the Double Iron is dead flat will help me survive.Horses for courses as they say and I'll worry about hill running after the Levis race.Ultras though are all about the bike and I plan on some silly-crazy miles between now and race day in July.I have been dragging my little trailer around the roads of Nth Queensland and am now getting stronger again.Thanfully!!!Swimming is swimming and it is all coming together okay.I will still be underdone for Levis but I plan on a P.B anyway and am gunning for an Australian record which isn't very quick at just over 26 hrs.If I am dilligent over the next couple of months that should be realistic.
The bad part of March was that my dad had a stroke and I had to go south to the Blue Mountains for ten days to make sure he was okay and to look after my mother who,after five open heart surgeries,needs full time care from my dad.I was going to do a bit of mountain running while I was down there but it was a full time job between looking after my mother and making trips to the hospital to visit dad.All is good now though as he was discharged.After a visit with a neurology professor in Sydney it was found that the likely cause was a weakening of the blood vessels in his brain due to his diabetes.His speech was slurred and he is a bit weak on his left side but both conditions are improving and he will be fine.He is back on deck looking after my mother who is a handfull at the best of times.
I flew back to Cairns and booked my ticket out to Canada in an effort to motivate myself.I will be arriving in Halifax, Nova Scotia on June 14th and will spend two weeks riding around Canadas' Atlantic coast slowly making my way toward Levis where I should arrive about four days before the Double Iron.Hopefully that will be enough time to get used to riding in the colder conditions of Canada and also time to find myself a road bike to use in the race.I'll try to keep you all updated on April's training with some pics of my local training ground as I practise my photo and movie making skills before trying to make a mini documentary of this years trip.
Bye for now kids.
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Hey Nick,
Keep up the courage and good luck with your training. You can do it and I am fully behind you. Can't wait to see you when you come back to Quebec.
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