One of the things I like the most about travelling the way I do is meeting so many really cool people along the way.This backpacker hostel thing is great and seven years at boarding school has made "institution life" quite tolerable.Actually when you have been out riding your bike and camping for a week or so the hostel is like a bloody palace with all that hot water and clean beds and stuff.This hostel is no different and there have een some real characters hanging around here for the last few days.I mentioned the Semester at Sea folk before and they were awesome.So too are those fellow inmates that stayed here after the college kids left.
I would go into detail of all the individuals but no doubt you would find that a bit boring,instead I'll show you some pics and videos of our little hostel group.To that end I'll invite you all to meet Dustin as it was his 21st birthday on Wednesday and there is no better excuse for a party than someones birthday. He is studying architecture at school in the U.S and is one of those bright young guys that actually gives you a sense of belief that that next genaration isn't going to be all screwed up.I like smart,interesting people and he is one of those.His love for architecture is part of his character and it is "who he is".In todays weird,conformist society it is refreshing to meet people who strike out on t
heir own and stick to their guns.I really admired how he spent most of his time checking out the university and trying to make contact with a professor of two and a well knnow architect who had a office near the hostel.He is a cool young guy and I'm glad I met him.
I would go into detail of all the individuals but no doubt you would find that a bit boring,instead I'll show you some pics and videos of our little hostel group.To that end I'll invite you all to meet Dustin as it was his 21st birthday on Wednesday and there is no better excuse for a party than someones birthday. He is studying architecture at school in the U.S and is one of those bright young guys that actually gives you a sense of belief that that next genaration isn't going to be all screwed up.I like smart,interesting people and he is one of those.His love for architecture is part of his character and it is "who he is".In todays weird,conformist society it is refreshing to meet people who strike out on t

On the opposite end of the scale is Sven,a real free spirit from Australia.He too is a real intellectual but in a different way.He plays god knows how many musical instruments,is an avid(and very good)photographer,is a conservationist who has worked with the National Parks and Wildlife Service and also is an adventre guide.Here is a guy who carries with him while backpacking, a laptop,camera gear,a flute,a volin and all kinds of other assorted surprises including wet-stone for sharpening knives(I know cause he sharpened all the knives in the hostel kitchen for fun-the pshyco!) .During Dustins party we had some complaints about the volume of his violin and recorder playing but it was early and we didn't pay much attention as the music he was playing is the sort of stuff you would pay good money for to any busker on the street.One cool thing was that during the night Svens fiance called the hostel and

We have Louise, the English girl who on route to Nth America had a layover in Iceland and liked it so much she stayed.Now those of you who have read my Epic Ride blog will know how worried I would be about meeting another Icelandic backpacker.Thankfully Louise didn't follow in the footsteps of the Icelandic Viking Princess and I was left in one piece.She does not have a drivers licence,does not believe in gathering material wealth "just for the sake of it" and lets the hand of fate decide where she travels.I think that is really cool.She told me that when she lived in the UK she would often go to the train station and catch a train to random towns just to check out what they were like.If only everyone had such interest in living life.
The list of my new friends could go on and on but travelling would not be called that if one stayed in the same place and so my time in Halifax must come to an end.I could stay longer but I am on a bit of a schedule so it's off toward Quebec for me.Time to get used to life on the road once again.
Below is a little video of Aussie Sven entertaining us all with a sample of his musical talents.Above is Dustin at the Propeller Brewery stocking up on beer.That's big bottle in is hand is called a "growler" and at $8.50 for 1.85lt I tell you the stuff is awesome.

This bottle is the root of all evil.It is commonly called a"growler" which is a term used for submerged ice in the oceans of both poles.A Growler can sink a ship in minutes just as this bottle can sink even the strongest of men.At $8:50 for 1.85Lt who cares!!
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