The fire pit at Jerry's b.b.q.What a great night yet again.

The English and Singaporean reps right and the Grems below

Barb decide that she wanted to head off and continue with her cross -Canada tour.I tried to cnvince her to do the tour with us but to no avail.Thankfully she agreed to take a whole bunch of stuff off my hands and take it back to Penticton for me.I handed her a bag with about 8 kilos worth of stuff in it tha
t I would not need until I was lining up for Ultraman at the end of August.With that we went over to the meeting point for our tour and she said her goodbyes to everyone and was off.I'm very grateful to her for coming over and helping out for the weekend,she has been a great friend and true to form, just before she left, she handed me two $50 Petro Canada gift cards to use on my trip west.She is a class act..It's not easy crewing through the night like that and both her and Melissas whole family could not have been of greater help during what was a disappointing result for me.

The English and Singaporean reps right and the Grems below
So after a pretty shocking night of throwing up six times the morning rolled around and
it was time to head off to the awards brunch.I just couldn't make it and told Barb to go ahead without me.I really just wanted to sleep some more and maybe I would be well enough to go to Jerry's place for one of his famous post race barbeques.They are just one of the highlights of any trip to this event and the look on the faces of those who have not seen the llama farm is priceless. 

I did ,in the end start to feel better and that evening headed off with Barb to to the party just outside of Levis.We did get a little lost though but eventually made it to the llama farm and met up with most of the athletes and crews.I guess 55 people in all turned up and it was a great night as usual.I was carefull and only had one glass of wine and some really nice food which made me feel much better and confident that I would be able to make the next days whale watching tour.Normally saying goodbye at Jerrys place is a sad thing as we generally go our s
eparate ways after that but most of us were heading off together touring the next day so the goodbyes were kept to a minimum as only those from Montreal were leaving before the next days trip(something do do with having to work the next day).It was to be an 8am start though so I had to drag myself and a few of the others away from the campfire and off to Levis to get to bed .

Barb decide that she wanted to head off and continue with her cross -Canada tour.I tried to cnvince her to do the tour with us but to no avail.Thankfully she agreed to take a whole bunch of stuff off my hands and take it back to Penticton for me.I handed her a bag with about 8 kilos worth of stuff in it tha

So it was then off on a whale watching adventure a couple of hundred kilometers down river from Quebec City.Twenty two of us all headed off in a little convoy of mini vans and toured the beautiful scenery of the St Lawrences' northern bank.Thankfully I had ridden in on the southern side as the road we were on that day was hilly with a capital H.It was really nice driving through the counrtyside and after a few rest stops we arrived at our destination not fa
r from the mouth of the Saguenay River.We were promtly fed our lunch and then were given some really sturdy wet-weather gear.I figured that we were in for a rough ride on the river of we needed this much protection but when I saw the size of the boat I realised it was more for protection from the spray than for any inclement weather that we may have to face.

The trip itself was great.The river is amazing and for today anyway was full of whales for all to see.I stood at the back of the boat with Michel and Jean-Guy and we had to laugh as those at the front of the boat got absolutely soaked while we stayed pretty dry throughout the three hour tour(yes Gilligans theme played in my mind too).I loved it and still marvel at the sheer size and ower of that huge river.

After the boat-ride it was off again to do some more sightseeing and some dinner on the way home but not before we all stood on the cliffs of the entrance to the Saguenay Fijord and held the world rock throwing competition.Very juvinile but excellent fun as the assembled internationals tried to outdistance the Canadain contingent by throwing rocks into the Saguenay river.The Canadians won.

We stopped for dinner on the way home in the town of Baie Saint-Paul and invaded an already busy restaurant for gourmet burgers and beer.It was excellent and a really nice end ing to a great day.The trip home tok us into the night and by the time I arrived back at the apartments I was already feeling the effects of the rich food I had eaten earlier.I got sick again but this time out of the other end and sat on the toilet for most of the night.By the time the morning rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep but I had to vacate the apartments as the cleaners were already there tending to all the now empty rooms.It was a reall struggle for my to pack all my stuff and ride back to Quebec City when I felt so weak but once I was back in the hostel I started to feel much better.How long I would stay I didn't know but I thought it would be to chill out in Quebec City for a day or two at least to get rid of what was ailing me.Funny thing these hostels,I felt at home straight away.

The trip itself was great.The river is amazing and for today anyway was full of whales for all to see.I stood at the back of the boat with Michel and Jean-Guy and we had to laugh as those at the front of the boat got absolutely soaked while we stayed pretty dry throughout the three hour tour(yes Gilligans theme played in my mind too).I loved it and still marvel at the sheer size and ower of that huge river.

After the boat-ride it was off again to do some more sightseeing and some dinner on the way home but not before we all stood on the cliffs of the entrance to the Saguenay Fijord and held the world rock throwing competition.Very juvinile but excellent fun as the assembled internationals tried to outdistance the Canadain contingent by throwing rocks into the Saguenay river.The Canadians won.

We stopped for dinner on the way home in the town of Baie Saint-Paul and invaded an already busy restaurant for gourmet burgers and beer.It was excellent and a really nice end ing to a great day.The trip home tok us into the night and by the time I arrived back at the apartments I was already feeling the effects of the rich food I had eaten earlier.I got sick again but this time out of the other end and sat on the toilet for most of the night.By the time the morning rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep but I had to vacate the apartments as the cleaners were already there tending to all the now empty rooms.It was a reall struggle for my to pack all my stuff and ride back to Quebec City when I felt so weak but once I was back in the hostel I started to feel much better.How long I would stay I didn't know but I thought it would be to chill out in Quebec City for a day or two at least to get rid of what was ailing me.Funny thing these hostels,I felt at home straight away.
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