I dragged my bike down the stairs of the motel after a nice 8am sleep-in,unsure of weather I would try to make it to Levis that day.The weather was no better and a thick fog enveloped the surrounding hills accompanied by a fine drizzle which did little to increase my enthusiasm for the days ride.I figured that I would probrably make it a two day trip as I was kind-of in taper mode for the double iron to be held in five days time.There would be no epic day today but I really hoped that it would not be a struggle against the wind. Thankfully as so

on as I made the steep descent to the river and left onto route 132 I found myself being pushed along by a pretty strong tailwind.Not only did that brighten my day but it made me think that maybe I could get to Levis that day.I wasn't really sure how far it was but after riding 30k I passed a sign which informed me that I still had 168k to Quebec City.I was pretty sure that meant for the long trip around the river and across the bridge into Quebec and not via the ferry from Levis which

I estimated to be 30k shorter.I couldn't be sure though.I really didn't want to ride 200k. I soon settled into my ride and found myself passing through village after village all of which had the same quaint French themes and architecture.I could spy each town from a distance as each one had a great big church with a spire towering over the town center.It was very cool and some of the homes were r

eally pretty with beautiful flowerbeds and manicured lawns all around.I also figured that the B&B industry here must be just thriving as there were heaps of them everywhere.They were,no doubt,too rich for my blood but I would have liked to check a few of them out.I think this highway would make for a really great driving holiday for a weekend getaway. At one stage the road crossed paths with the freeway and I thought I'd give riding with the trucks a bit of a go.Surely the road surface would be better than the one I was on now so I turned onto the highway as the rain and wind started to increase.It wasn't long before my bike felt strange under me and I realised that I'd gotten the

first flat tyre of the trip.Normally that wouldn't be a problem but when you take into account the cumbersome weight of my bike with loaded panniers, changing a back tube became an ordeal.I sought shelter under an overpass and unhooked my trailer while being rapidly chilled by the increasing wind.Riding with the wind had been fine but now standing there soaked and facing the wind I was having trouble with even the easiest of tasks.I did manage to fix the tyre and was eventually all hooked up and ready to go again,into the misty day. It wasn't long after that I really began to feel the cold and thoughts turned to the finishing point of the day.I hadn't really planned too far in advance where I would stop but as I passed through the village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

it was like an autopilot had kicked in.One minute I was riding along happily and the next I found myself in the car-park of a really quaint motel right on the exit of the town center.It was wierd as I really don't recall making the decision to stop,I just did.Anyway I checked in and after a nice hot bath set about finding out about the pretty little village that after 85k on the road,would be my home for the night. I went for a little run around the village and found that they have a really cool pedestian cultural cicuit that you can follow and find out all about the history of the town.I finished my run and went out in search of a good place to start my little tour.Turns out that just across the road from my room was a big park full of statues and carvings that is a highlight of the tour.I wandered over and spent a bunch of time checking out all the statues and then followed the circuit to the river and then through the town cemetary and on to a really nice little park tucked away behind the tourist info center.The park was full of really cool carvings as well and also served as the local botanical gardens.Man they packed a lot into this little village but there was nothing little about the church which, in keeping with all the other churches I'd ridden past that day,dominated the city center. In all I spent a couple of hours wandering around and even spied a huge group of cyclists heading to a local restaurant in an attempt to get out of the weather.I figured that I mustn't be too far away from Levis if there were this many cyclists about and that thought brightened me up as I wandered back to my cozy motel room for the night.
1 comment:
any good shots of you struggling up a steep hill?
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